Rapid Link Microfinance

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Rapidlink Microfinance Ltd.

RapidLink Microfinance Ltd, a registered Non-Bank Financial Institution (Deposit Taking Microfinance Company) established in June 2010, is a trusted and customer-centric force in Ghana’s financial sector. Recognized by the Registrar General’s Department of Ghana, our mission is to transform lives and foster economic empowerment.

In October 2013, we received authorization from the Bank of Ghana to operate as a Microfinance Company, signifying our commitment to regulatory compliance and expansion. Our strategically located headquarters near the Madina Mosque in Accra symbolizes trust and accessibility, providing a gateway for individuals and businesses seeking financial solutions.


Our Mission

To provide accessible, affordable, and sustainable financial services to underserved individuals and small businesses, thereby improving their quality of life, and fostering economic growth

Our Vision

To be a leading financial institution, recognized for our innovative solutions, client-centric approach, and commitment to social impact.

Our Core Values

  • Integrity:  We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our operations. We are committed to honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct, ensuring trust and reliability in every interaction.

  • Excellence: Excellence is at the core of everything we do. We continuously strive to deliver the highest quality of service, products, and solutions to our clients. Our pursuit of excellence drives us to exceed expectations and set industry benchmarks.

  • Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and decisions. Accountability is woven into our culture, ensuring that we deliver on our promises and meet the expectations of our clients, regulators, and stakeholders.
  • Innovation: Innovation fuels our progress. We embrace creativity and forward-thinking to adapt to changing landscapes and pioneer new solutions. Our commitment to innovation empowers us to remain at the forefront of the financial industry, providing cutting-edge services to our clients.

Our Services

Saving Products  

Rapid Savings: This is a savings account that provides you safe and convenient access to your money for personal or business needs.

Rapid Susu: This is a savings account targeted towards petty traders with the view to inculcate saving habits.

Rapid Invest: This is a competitive interest-bearing account for all our customers who want to invest their extra funds to earn more interest.  

Lending Products  

Rapid Loan: This loan product is designed for entrepreneurs with a defined track record who need working capital for their small businesses.  

Rapid Trader Loan: This loan product is designed to serve small to medium-sized enterprises that need funding for working capital or fixed assets acquisition.  

Rapid Government Solution: This loan is intended for civil servants paid via the Controller and Accountant Generals Department who need funding for personal use or projects 

Our Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

We are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and stimulating economic growth within our communities. Our SDG-Centric Initiatives demonstrate our alignment with specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), driving positive social impact in our local area.

  • Empowering Women in Business and Entrepreneurship: We empower women in business through workshops, financial literacy training, and tailored savings and loan products, promoting economic participation, gender equality, and reduced inequality (SDG 1, SDG 5, SDG 10).
  • Youth Financial Literacy: We educate the youth on financial matters. This promotes inclusion (SDG 4, SDG 8).
  • Sustainable Agriculture: We aim to support farmers in adopting sustainable practices. (SDG 2, SDG 13).
  • Education Access: We provide innovative savings products and microloans for children’s education (SDG 4, SDG 10).
  • Healthcare Entrepreneurship: We support healthcare entrepreneurs (SDG 3, SDG 8).
  • Inclusive Finance: We ensure financial inclusion for vulnerable groups (SDG 10).

Finance refers to the management of money and investment. It deals with the study and analysis of financial data to help individuals and businesses make better financial decisions. It includes activities such as budgeting, investment, lending, borrowing, and payment processing.